What is Medicare?
What is Medicare? Medicare is a Federal Health Insurance Program for people who are 65 and older, and for people with certain qualifying medical conditions (for example, Lou Gehrig’s disease). When turning 65 and enrolling in Medicare for the first time, there are important dates and other considerations you need to know before making decisions on what is best for you.
How Medicare Works
Medicare is divided into 5 parts; A, B, C, D and Medicare Supplements, known as Medigap, or Gap insurance.
What is Medicare Part A?
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care. Part A does not cover the full amount of your hospital bill.
What is Medicare Part B?
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers certain doctors’ office visits, blood tests, X-rays, diabetic screenings, outpatient care, medical supplies, specialists, and preventive services.
You pay a small deductible each year before your Medicare Part B benefits begin. Expect to pay 20% of the participating Medicare doctor bill.
What is Medicare Part C?
Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) is an optional type of Medicare health plan offered by private companies and limited to a local network of Doctors, Hospitals, and Specialists (except in emergencies). Learn more about Medicare Advantage by reading our suggested knowledge base article Medigap vs Medicare Advantage.
What is Medicare Part D?
Medicare Part D (Prescription Coverage) is optional prescription drug coverage through private insurance companies covering most of your prescription drug costs depending on your specific plan. Your monthly fee varies among insurers.
How Does Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance Work?
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) is an insurance policy that pays the health care costs that your Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) doesn’t cover, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.
Medigap plans have a monthly premium, you can switch plans at any time (pending medical underwriting), and there is no network of doctors or hospitals so you have the freedom to go to any hospital and choose any doctor or specialist who accepts Medicare.
Medigap is sold by private insurance companies to fill coverage “gaps” in Medicare plans, and you should use a Medicare Broker like MedicareInc.com.
Looking for a Medicare Plan?
Find a Medicare Supplement Plan That’s Right for You